De Los Ángeles A Teruel: Pregonera

Lori Needleman, Pregonera de Las Bodas de Isabel 2013 (original de La Revista XVII Edición de Las Bodas de Isabel de Segura) Lori Needleman, con su acento inequívocamente americano, fue en 2013 la encargada de dar la bienvenida a los asistentes a Las Bodas de Isabel desde el balcón de la que fue Casa de…

The Day of the Three Kings

El Día de Los Reyes Magos (The Day of the Three Kings) is the most anticipated holiday of the year for Spanish children. Also known as Epiphany, it’s celebrated 12 days after Christmas and marks the day Los Reyes Magos, the Three Kings from the East, brought gold and gifts to the newly-born Baby Jesus.…

…and a Happy New Year in Spain

Yesterday, I asked a group of Spanish teenagers what they typically do on New Year´s Eve and it seems to be a fair consensus that most enjoy the evening at home with family… although, when the clock strikes twelve, they run off to be with their friends. Even with the crisis looming over Spain, many…

Zaragoza: Fiestas del Pilar

In the middle of Zaragoza, there stands a pillar of stone, said to be put there by the Virgin Mary herself after she consoled a distressed Apostle James in 40 A.D. She placed this pillar on the exact site where the first Iglesia Mariana (Marian Church) should be built, and today that pillar still stands.…

Teruel: Spain’s City of Love

Every city and village in Spain has a festival unique to them. During the summer months urban families journey back to their grandparents’ pueblos to enjoy their free time. This is how it all began: a tiny blurb in a magazine detailing a festival that celebrates a 13th century legend about two tragic lovers. It…


Lori Needleman’s: INSIDE ESPAÑA: As an American, Lori Needleman has been living in Spain for over five years. What is Spain actually like? Why is it so diverse and, well, fun? Learn the differences between pueblos, towns and cities. See how Spain is transfixed between a great traditional culture and a promising moderna future. Their…